This is the portfolio website for Shilaya Tso, filled with all my school projects for everyone to view. I am currently studying Graphic Design at Salt Lake Community College. I’m not quite sure what I want to do after I get my degree career wise, though I do want to go back to school to study either Fashion Design, Photography, or Marketing. My passion has always been in the arts, so it's nice that I’m able to work towards being in a creative field.
This project was done for my Photoshop Class, we were assigned to create an album cover using all the skills we’ve learned so far into the semester. I used all my own images, and came up with everything on my own. I blended many images together and found a typeface that I felt fit the “teenage alternative” theme I had going. I also edited the image to be purple, and also carried that into my type, which I made a dark purple color.